WP e ambiente

La Waterpolo Project A.S.D. entra a far parte della Water Polo Community for Sustainability & Climat Change.

Il movimento, che vede la partecipazione di club di pallanuoto provenienti da Montenegro, Grecia, Serbia, Croazia, Slovenia, Bosnia e Macedonia, si pone l’ambizioso obiettivo di coniugare sport e ambiente.

Il progetto fa parte di un programma internazionale promosso da CIO e UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) volto a promuovere sviluppo sostenibile e rispetto per l’ambiente attraverso lo sport (leggi il programma).

Waterpolo Project is member of Water Polo Community for Sustainability & Climate Change.

Waterpolo Project combines the power of sport and science with the strenght of collaboration to catalyze action on climate change and help build a sustainable future. Our partnerships with european waterpolo teams advance best-in-class technologies and deliver sustainability gains to society.

Waterpolo Project is proud to represent Trieste and Italy in this social project and be part of this international partnership.

Sport is our starting point. A sustainable future is our destination.